Julian Charles Home

How Julian Charles Home lifted the curtains on digital
Workforce Management and Time and Attendance

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About Julian Charles Home

Julian Charles has been at the “Heart Of The Home Since 1947”. They offer a wide range of beautifully made soft furnishings, including quality bedding, ready-made curtains, luxury cushions, cosy throws and on-trend home decor accessories.

Starting as a small Lancashire business manufacturing ready-made curtains, the company has grown to
a multi-channel retailer with over 45 locations across the UK.


Across the UK



The Challenges


Julian Charles Home was very keen to improve communications with their employees and create a flexible culture by ensuring they were able to access shifts, receive comms and request holidays on the go.

The client identified that they were wasting valuable time on manual workforce processes, including:

• Manually generating employee rotas
• Manually tracking employee time and attendance
• Holiday management was done manually and sent to HQ
• Payroll reconciliation was done manually, consuming countless hours every month


The Solution

Julian Charles Home chose ShopWorks to implement our easy-to-navigate and intuitive Workforce Management Software, including the advanced contactless time scan app.

Julian Charles Home team now also benefits from an advanced employee app where they have complete visibility of their earnings and rotas; they have the ability to pick up extra shifts, request holidays and receive communications. Not only that, staff are able to query any payroll-related matters ahead of the payroll run, ensuring 100% accurate pay.

They are now able to track staff attendance with a contactless time scan app eliminating the manual payroll reconciliation process.

Rotas are now quickly built digitally through the intuitive Scheduling module, allowing for a centralised view of the business and the ability to track staffing spend and remain on budget.

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“ShopWorks has centralised and digitised many manual processes for us and much less time is spent on admin.
Employees across the estate are thrilled with the new system and the ability to see their schedules on the go, directly receive important updates and request holidays”

Laura Walker, HR and Payroll


The Result

The teams at Julian Charles Home are empowered to have visibility, can manage their work schedules and feel that the company is improving the overall employee experience.


• A more open and flexible culture suitable for the modern workforce.
• Over £100K of savings are estimated to be achieved in the first year alone from advanced Time and Attendance.
• An immense amount of time spent on admin tasks is saved across the estate by removing manual processes.
