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The 5 Best Workforce Management Software Features to Improve Employee Retention
The benefits to businesses from being able to accurately forecast their staffing demand are many and significant for the bottom line. Labour demand forecasting can help businesses…
The Benefits of Accurate Labour Demand Forecasting for Businesses
The benefits to businesses from being able to accurately forecast their staffing demand are many and significant for the bottom line. Labour demand forecasting can help businesses…
Virgin Active chooses ShopWorks for their Workforce Management provider in the UK
Today, the world’s leading health club group Virgin Active has digitally transformed their UK workforce management processes with ShopWorks.
How modern Workforce Management increases the focus on employees and wellbeing
Promoting wellbeing in the workplace can strengthen the link between employee wellbeing and organisational performance. Results show that supporting wellbeing not just for individuals but for teams...
How Artificial Intelligence Can Transform Your Business Operations
Right now, we are in the middle of an era of disruption and with disruption thankfully comes innovation with Artificial Intelligence. Industries that may have taken another decade to transform now...
Common Staff Scheduling Mistakes to Avoid in 2021
If you think staff scheduling is tricky you’re not alone. Most managers find it one of the most challenging parts of their job, you have to combine expert and current employee knowledge, with time...
The Future Looks Promising For the High Street In 2021
Business is still reeling from the pandemic’s effects; retailers must now navigate a radically different trading environment that will include several new and developing tactics. Sensibly these...
UK Workforce Market Outlook For 2021
In November 2020, the Daily Telegraph reported on the economy, saying that there is a real danger of a New Year spike in unemployment. The UK government then reinforced this statement in the...
Rethink Workforce Management Series – Office productivity and the impact of working from home
Ian Hogg, Chairman at Shopworks & fastP.A.Y.E shares his thoughts with Simon on office productivity and the impact of working from home, plus gives us some insight into the world of...